Charles is 14 years old and has red hair, blue eyes and a great sense of humor. He loves animals, sports, pizza and going to camp. One of Charles’s best qualities is his caring and thoughtful nature.
Charles is excited to be in his first year of high school. He is developmentally delayed and works hard in class to improve his math skills. Every day he practices telling time and counting money, skills that will make him more independent in the future.
Charles needs a family that will nurture him but also provide him with consistent rules. A home where Charles will be encouraged and challenged to try new things is a place he could call home.
Meet Charles
Age: 14
Grade in school: 9th
Favorite TV show: “Sponge Bob,” “Cops”
Hobbies: Fixing things, reading, writing, helping people.
Charles is happiest when: He is singing.
Charles thinks school is: Fun.
When Charles grows up: He wants to be a cop.
Charles wants a family: “That is nice and will take good care of me.”
The Children’s Home Society of Virginia works to find Richmond kids like Charles a safe, loving home. Contact them at:, 804.353-0191.